Mapleshade grins. And, yeah I put Mapleshade in the murdering because of a purpose category (wanting to get revenge because of the death of her kits,) but not the murdering for fun category. Today was also the day of Half-Moon, where us medicine cats go to the Highstones. It seems weird for StarClan to send her to the Dark Forest if she was trying to save her kits, but I dont think StarClan knew about her visions, nor do I think that she had to free her kits. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. While Appledusk was gone, Mapleshade decided to keep her kits entertained. It was raining. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Under Mapleshade's influence, Tigerstar killed many Clan cats in his quest to rule the entire forest, eventually uniting ShadowClan and RiverClan as TigerClan briefly. I dont want you to be tired when we leave.. She kept their relationship a secret, sneaking out at night to meet him in private. It was believed by some that she would be leader one day. Nettlebreeze says that Mapleshade deserves to go to the Dark Forest. But, there is still one glaring example that trashes this whole theory anyway: Ashfur. Darkstar This cats got many problems-_- : Mapleshade internally calls a WindClan patrol "fools" after she gets away with taking the rabbit they were chasing. However, Mapleshade also had a hidden arrogant, naive and selfish side to her, as seen when she acted possessive over Appledusk and disregarded his concerns regarding their relationship, and at one point resisted the urge to attack Frecklewish when the other she-cat attempted to bond with who she thinks are her brother's kits. She stumbles to the barn where she'd slept before, and falls unconscious for the last time. Mapleshade then saw an idea light up Appledusks eyes. So, first off, this article did not change my mind about her (though it has good points). There is no reason hed know and she wouldnt, but she didnt care. One day when the kits are two moons old, Mapleshade is tired of an elder criticizing the kits for not jumping as well as Birchface, and so she sneaks out of camp with them to take them swimming in the river. Mapleshade deeply loved her kits, especially Patchkit, who seemed to be the most attached to her. But, if tricking StarClan like that is so easy, then why didnt the other cats in the Dark Forest, like Darkstripe, Hawkfrost, or Thistleclaw do that? She then uncovered his grave and left his corpse to be eaten by a hawk. She is the main antagonist ofthe super edition Crookedstar's Promise and the novella Goosefeather's Curse, the main protagonist of the novella Mapleshade's Vengeance, the overarching antagonist of the novella Tigerclaw's Fury, the secondary antagonist of the novella Spottedleaf's Heart, one of thethree secondary antagonists (alongside Brokenstar and Thistleclaw) of the story arc Omen of the Stars and a major antagonist in The Broken Code arc. Appledusk blamed Mapleshade for getting their kits drowned and turned Mapleshade away. COULDNT HAVE DARKSTAR AND THE OTHERS BEEN AS GENEROUS TO HER?! Your loyalty should be to your Clan, not her! Its Patchpaw, and this prey is not for me, but for Crimsonwish. I really like your analysis! Why did Mapleshade hate Sandstorm? It's later revealed by StarClan that ever since the Great Battle, the Dark Forest had been nearly empty, most of the evil spirits having been destroyed in the battle or faded away afterwards. Mapleshade watched as the three kits ran up to sniff it. It will be my first time!! Later on, Mapleshade delivers two toms and a she-cat and names them Larchkit, Patchkit, and Petalkit, respectively. A moon later, she has kits. He asks her why, and she tells him that every cat in ThunderClan must die, and that he is already doomed. Mapleshade gives her news to the Clan the next day, and when asked about the father she says only that she's raising the kits alone. Heartbroken and enraged, Mapleshade left, swearing vengeance. No matter what she did, she just couldnt make Sandstorm suffer, so she made Firestar suffer;by killing Spottedleaf. Oh Appledusk. She had avenged her kits! Once arriving at the fresh-kill pile, I sniffed through it but found only one mouse. Im gonna go find out. She set off towards Larchpaw. Yes, Mapleshade purred. Mapleshade almost spoke, but it was someone else who defended her. Mapleshade vowed to the pregnant Reedshine that she would haunt Appledusk's descendants forever for what he did to her. Wasppaw was seething. In Mapleshade's Vengeance, she falls in love with Appledusk. Maybe she didnt see the mini tsunami! They enjoy it, but a RiverClan patrol spots them and warns them away. Next, having learned from Nettlepaw that Frecklewish had watched Mapleshade and her kits crossing the river and blaming her for not saving them, Mapleshade lured the other she-cat to Snakerocks and got her eye bitten by an adder, blindingand eventually killing her. "Huh," Larchkit says. After Frecklewish leaves, Ravenwing tells Mapleshade that she has made Frecklewish feel like life is worth living again with the birth of her kits. Come. Mapleshade uncomfortably agrees, knowing that Appledusk is their real father. The pixel artwork is fanart based on the canon description; undefined traits are left to the artist's, This section summarizes Mapleshade's significant. HEAVILY inspired by u/Bee8467 's idea of Frecklewish taking care of Mapleshade's kits in Starclan! Mapleshade names her kits Petalkit, Patchkit and Larchkit. Being ordered to leave RiverClan's territory without even getting to attend her kits' burial, Mapleshade was heartbroken and enraged all over again, and vowed revenge upon her former mate. Why would they immediately start judging her kits?! Also included in a three-pack bundle with the rest of. Larchkit mews a RiverClan warrior had to save Patchkit. Appledusk and Mapleshade sat together, watching from afar while their kits ate the fish. Powered by WordPress. Or, I think the case could also be made that she killed Ashfur out of self-defense/ to protect the clan because he was clearly unhinged and a threat. Of course. I dashed outside, nodding to Crimsonwish. In this story, Mapleshade drowns instead, forcing her kits; Patchkit, Larchkit, and Petalkit, to go to Riverclan with their real father, Appledusk. She admired them quickly. So, just to reiterate my point: the Dark Forest makes no sense. Mapleshade buried her muzzle into his fur. She awoke in the Dark Forest and she felt pleased. Because honestly, Crowfeather has never done anything so bad by any metric to get him sent to the Dark Forest, so that would really make 0 sense. First, she stalked Ravenwing, the cat who had revealed her secret, and murderedhim at the Moonstone. However, she ended up falling in love with a RiverClan tom namedAppledusk, which was forbidden by the Warrior Code. Wasppaw was being greedy and teasing Patchpaw, answered Petalpaw, who narrowed her eyes at Wasppaw. You will see that soon enough!!!!!. Plus, to add to the confusion, Hollyleaf is in StarClan, but she did actually murder someone: Ashfur. Im Larchkit! The next day she heads into ThunderClan's territory, where she learns from an apprentice that Frecklewish had watched her cross the river. Oh yeah, and he tried to kill a kit sooooo. During the Great Battle, Spottedleaf was killed by Mapleshade while protecting Sandstorm, fading away forever, which devastated Firestar. This led him to revealing the truth to the whole of ThunderClan. Hey. Thistleclaw was arrogant, aggressive, and had a thirst for leadership. But, I still dont feel like this theory is very strong. At a Gathering, there are tensions between ThunderClan and RiverClan due to a recent battle where two ThunderClan cats died (including the leader's son Birchface), but this doesn't stop Mapleshade of ThunderClan from talking to her secret mate Appledusk of RiverClan. I believe we will make it to the Half-Moon Meeting. Are Mapleshade kits in Starclan? Enraged, Mapleshade attacked and killed Spottedleaf, causing her to fade away forever. But don't worry, I made them pay. Long before she troubled the dreams of Crookedstar or Tigerclaw, Mapleshade was a warrior of ThunderClan. She made him watch his mother drown, his brother fallin love with a ThunderClan she-cat, and his mate and all but one of hisdaughtersdie of sickness. I thought I would examine some examples of cats who we know what their lives were like, and why they went to the Dark Forest or not after they died, and show how there seems to be no consistent rule about who goes there. According to one of the authors, Vicky Holmes these were actually hallucinations caused by Mapleshade's grief and feelings of betrayal, which drove her mad. Ashfur, however, is a bit more complicated he never actually breaks the code he's only ever given the chance to make threats to murder in the case of trying to murder Jayfeather and his siblings. Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). . Its been two days since my apprentice ceremony, and I was just out fetching more horsetail for Ravenwing. You will regret this, Appledusk. The group arrived at the river. -her only meeting up with Appledusk at night. If only they knew. Yeah, I think that they(dead cats) can make up rules as they go. If he was the medicine cat, why does he need me? I actually plan to make an addendum to this one (Im gonna be calling it The Point of No Return: An Addendum to my Mapleshade Article). Darkstripe and Hawkfrost had all undoubtably wanted to murder people (Sorrelkit/Stonefur in Darkstripes case and Hawkfrost had wanted to kill Firestar/Brambleclaw.) A little while after that I was asleep. Patchkit grinned, eyeing the fish gleefully. They should live as rogues and loners because that's what they are! This is a sub-reddit dedicated to fans of the Warriors series published by HarperColins. Sure, she's an excellent villain that breaks a lot of stereotypes, but that doesn't justify the murder of 3 cats. Cats like Tigerstar, Thistleclaw, and Brokenstar who viewed StarClan and stupid and weak simply did not want to go there after their deaths. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Dog Pack | Rats (Rat Leader) | Sharptooth. Welcome to r/WarriorCats! There has been much confusion over Mapleshade's description. In the eyes of StarClan, though, what Mapleshade did was nothing worth banning her to the Dark Forest - she loved a cat from another Clan, and the kits died accidentally. You have betrayed me and my kits. After this she only hears two of her kits crying for her, and she thinks she needs to kill three cats total to properly avenge them. The tom that was truly the father. She was only tryna do whats best for her kits. She was proven to be right, as Goosefeather's ability slowly overwhelmed him and drove him mad, without the need for her input. Ive seen the incidents that happened the past few weeks, and Petalkit certainly resembles..hmm..Appledusk. Hawkfrost especially since he found it easy to manipulate Mothwing and make fake signs.). A nearby RiverClan patrol saved her, but to her horror, all three of her kits drowned, with Appledusk blaming her for their deaths. Stormkit was about their age when he broke his jaw trying to cross the stones.
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